
assessment & Management

A concussion can be defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain induced by traumatic forces. In simpler terms, a concussion changes the way our brain functions, causing it to work less optimally. It can be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere to the body with an impulsive force transmitted to the head.

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Common Symptoms of A concussion include

  • Headache
  • Head pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Balance problems
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Feeling slowed down
  • Feeling in a fog
  • Not feeling “right”
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue/drowsiness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Memory problems
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling more emotional than usual

Concussion Assessment & Management IN Calgary

A doctor might tell you a concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain induced by traumatic forces. What does this mean? Put more simply, a concussion changes the way our brain functions, causing it to work less optimally.

Many of us think a concussion can only be caused by direct contact to the head. However, a concussion can result from a direct blow to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body with an impulsive force that travels up to the head.

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that requires assessment by a healthcare professional trained in concussion care.

Pain Management Calgary AB Concussion Mangement

Properly Managing a Concussion

Concussions, like any other injury, need to be correctly managed and rehabilitated. Having a health professional guide you through this recovery step by step can be invaluable.

Our team expertise includes Shift Concussion Training to ensure you receive individualized care. We understand that each patient can be affected differently by a concussion and work with you towards a full recovery. 

Consider seeking help from a professional trained in Concussion Management in these circumstances:

  • If symptoms persist despite early rest (48-72 hours)
  • Presence of ongoing neck pain or stiffness
  • Ongoing complaints of dizziness
  • Visual complaints such as eye pain, train, or blurry vision
  • Further guidance needed if having difficulty returning to work or school

What To Do If You Suspect a Concussion

If you suspect you have a concussion or someone you know has suffered a concussion, it’s essential to seek medical assistance and assessment right away (ideally within the first 48-72 hours.)

Why should you get help quickly? Prompt assessment and proper care can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms and protect you from long term effects or further injury.

Concussion Assessment

How can you tell if someone has suffered a concussion? It’s not something you can assess at home. Concussions can be difficult to properly recognize given the wide range of symptoms and individual responses.

Some symptoms such as headache and dizziness are common in concussions yet can also occur in a variety of other conditions. The appearance of symptoms may be delayed for several minutes or even hours after the initial injury, making assessment even more complicated.

It’s better to be cautious about concussions. If you or someone you know is displaying one or more of the symptoms listed above, and there was an incident or trauma involving direct contact to the head or a “jostling/whiplash” effect, treat it as a concussion. Get in as soon as possible for a proper concussion assessment.


Recovering from a concussion can be a frustrating and challenging time. There are likely to be recommended periods of physical and mental rest. You’ll likely need a break from physical activities, and you’ll need to be very careful to avoid a second injury before your concussion recovery is complete. Your recovery may look different than another person’s, and only an experienced healthcare professional should guide you.

If you feel you have suffered a concussion and are looking for a health care professional with advanced training in concussion diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation to help you recover, we can help. Give us a call, and we’ll help you begin your recovery today.

Baseline Testing for Concussion

Baseline testing is a series of tests to measure healthy brain function before an injury occurs. In the event of a concussion, the baseline test results are used to help your recovery and assist your health care provider in guiding you through a safe return to work or sports activities.

When properly used and interpreted, a concussion baseline test can add useful information to the management of concussions by giving healthcare practitioners insight into an athlete’s individualized pre-injury function and abilities.

Who should get a baseline concussion test?

Anyone competing in sports and activities or working in jobs or professions where there is a higher risk of suffering a concussion should consider getting a baseline test.

Then, if a concussion ever occurs, book an appointment at the same facility where you had your baseline test done to have an assessment done. This way, you’ll know your healthcare professional has both the expertise and the information needed to help you recover from your concussion.

Copyright Action Health 2021